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Our Story

Buknot is a sustainable and gender free clothing brand that believes in embracing the self for everything we are - our story, our identity and our self image. Through this initiative, we are trying to revolutionize the gendered perspective of clothing and also, are introducing a unique size chart to make shopping a comfortable experience for everyone. With our eco-friendly packaging methods and a cadence of creating products in tiny batches, we want our process to become slower - we want our buyers to know that when they shop with us, they shop for themselves and at the same time, save the planet from further exploitation. The idea of this brand was born when one of our founders visited a garment factory during a college trip and stumbled upon a 3 storey high pile of dumped fabrics and clothes. This room was the answer to the question - “where does discarded fabric go?”. As a brand, we create comfortable apparel from fabrics found in this very pile in sizes and shapes that fit you the way you are. Our clothes celebrate your uniqueness and never try to box you into any category.

Our Thingy

Tiny Batches

We make small quantities of every product, only to make more if you love & want it back! We keep our production less wasteful & exclusive, so you do not end up twinning without notice! Let us make you feel


Gender Free Clothing

How many times have you wanted to wear something only to know it is not available in your size or not made for your gender?

Well, you can safely keep these worries aside while shopping with us! 

Empowering locals

All our cutting & stitching happens in a tiny village on the coast of Odisha. It’s a fisherman's village so most of our tailors are part time fishermen! Our tiny production unit is run by Nityanand - a masterji who was working in Bangalore for 11 years until the pandemic took away his job. Now, he runs an entire unit in his village offering employment to locals and has a booming business.

Giving Back

 With every product you purchase, we give back to create positive change. All our products are essentially aimed at creating a safer and healthier planet and all parts of the production process have been designed by keeping the ill effects of climate change in mind.

Thoughtful Packaging

Buknot uses 100%
compostable mailers & 100% recycled paper for
packaging your goodies! We are just obsessed with making things plastic free. Also, to attain the
zero-waste goal, we do not indulge in unnecessary packaging materials! 

wear nature, not rules

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